Friday 3 August 2007

Name tags

As we are becoming very close to each other, we can already associate some deed or action with someone. I am trying to name tag you according to the first letter of your name. Check and feel it.
Afit : A bag of laughter, an office clown
Budiarto : Big is how you talk
Camelia : Calmly resist her superior
Chairun : Come on ol’ man, hurry up
Desy : Don’t tell me you don’t like shoppin’
Dhian : Definitely alone
Evi : Excuse me, I don’t think so
Hayu : Hate me but I ll still eat mie gelas
Ibeng : Intolerable habit of nose picking
Icut : Indifferent or introvert?
Ita : Intimacy is my new hobby
Lusi : Listen to me
Lusia : Late is a habit
Pitoyo : Punctuality is my long forgotten middle name
Sari : Strangely not behaving herself lately
Tanto : Three hair one head
Tita : Tons of loud words
Yip : Young blood, hot blooded
Yolin : You just wont listen will you?


Tita_r said...

i am loud....thank you very much...jangan lupa bapak belum taruh bapak punya nama tuh....

let me think????

D said...

huahahaha....kok bisa pas gitu ya..hihihi
mana nama pak sas tuch?

definetily alone? hiksss...for project only yak.. not for my personal relationship....

Tita_r said...

pak nemu juga neh..seriously the only sane people among us.....gimana pak???gimana yang lain??

Unknown said...


Dgn minimnya kapasitas pendeskripsian kata gw....., kok gw ga ngarti yach, dgn embel2 yang tercantumkan ke gw "won't listen, will you".

Is there somebody could explain to me? he2xx.....jgn bilang2 ya kalo gw rada heng, lulusan bhs Inggris, tapi rada oon...mengartikan bhs inggris.