Wednesday 15 August 2007

Celebration of life

“Celebration of life” said this formerly-not-good-looking male creature.
I spent my last vacation in stylish fashion – stylish in my own version. I brought my son Ito to a celebration of life in his grandparents’ hometown. It was a ‘Rasulan’- our local version of ‘Thanksgiving’ day intended to thank God and the spirits who have helped village people to get a good harvest this year. It is always held in Monday Kliwon as it used to be the day when our village was created.

Perayaan dimulai sehari sebelum Rasul. People flock to the market for a major purchase. Beli sayur sembarang lir, bahan buat bikin all traditional delicacies and jangan lupa whole seluruh dunia busy cooking. Masak sayur Lombok (itu sayur Lombok yang katutan tempe, two tempes, a kilo of chili) – eating this is like you are busted when cheating on your boyfriend – a really hard slap on the face. Si Lombok itu akan ditemani peyek, a form of traditional crackers of nuts or black soyas. Tapi seringnya peyek ini kayak pacar yang ndableg banget – keras banget pas dimakan. The nicest ending of the day, kecuali frekwensi ke WC yang meningkat drastis (thanks to jangan Lombok), di Balai Desa ada Klenengan (gamelan instruments) sampe pagi – what a lullaby.

Esuk umun-umun, dah ada yang maen tabuhan. The Reog Dancers are getting ready. These dancers are all tough bastards. Gali-gali tattoan ning njoged tradisionil, elok pol. Jam 8, the departed. First place to Resan (Resan itu pohon beringin yang segedhe Voltus V gak cuma segedhe Gaban) – a hundred-year old banyan tree believed to be the place where elder spirits – village founders rested. Yang padha mau nari burning incense, umak umik (doanya piye ya?) intinya minta ijin mo nari ke seluruh desa. Karena pohonnya a good listener, gak perlu waktu lama doa terus langsung gamelan bunyi lagi.
Mulailah merapatkan barisan wong yang nari itu 16 orang je.

The dancers represent two parties, good party and evil party. Yang partai baik dipimpin Penthul, tokoh yang walopun giginya tonggos tapi putih; yang satunya partai hitam dipimpin Beles, dah tonggos hitam lagi – tapi mereka ini so damn funny, pokoke selucu lomba make - up lah. Ya intinya perang, saling menyerang, putih kalah dulu terus akhirnya menang.
There are two amazing things though. Satu, the swords are real swords , jadi perangnya kayak betula itu wong pedange sampe bocel bocel. Secondly, the dancers harus nari ….. minimal 17 kali, muntah – muntah deh.
Para penari ini yang menjemput offering dari seluruh RT di desa, lalu diantar ke balai desa, untuk diberkati and diperebutkan. Kalo dulu the whole chicken itu yang paling ditunggu and diperjuangkan. Eh, now it seems everybody has turn into vegetarian, yang berebut ayam cuma dikit, kurang seru. Still everybody is fighting for the offering, ngalap berkah katanya.
Puppet show is the last entertainment of the day. Jam 9 malem mulai tapi yang nonton, wuuiih ratusan bahkan ribuan, yet they sit in orderly fashion rapi banget – semua bisa liat, sesuatu yang sudah susah dilakukan bangsa ini. Sampai balita2 aja diajak nonton lho, bahkan banyak yang naik truk bareng – bareng kayak kambing kurban mo disembelih pokoke.
The traditional value has not been entirely fading, in fact. Look, people thank God no matter how small they earn. People get in line no matter how long they have to wait. People feed others though they barely feed themselves. And together and equally they sit regardless their color, wealth, looks, smells, anything. What a life to celebrate. Kapan ya ini bisa terus terjadi?

1 comment:

Tita_r said...

keren pak.....kalo karangan bapak ini restauran namanya fusion....campur tapi asik....Thank God ada bapak, jadi isinya blog kita tambah keren